Wednesday, 12 October 2011

wednesday- circuit bound

Sitting on the train waiting to leave Seoul heading to Mokpo, to the circuit hotel...aptly named
Hyundai...What a lovely day I've had in Seoul...didn't think yesterday that would be possible!
Picked a hotel in a less than attractive part of the city, matched by the manners of the hotel staff!
Couldn't find a restaurant near by srvice in the hotel comprised of a list of phone numbers for take away services from various dubious outlets!
Hopped in a taxi and found a very nice Korean restaurant, beef strips still cooking as it arrives on a hot plate...lots of side dishes....thin strands of squid with seaweed....delicious!..wasn't taken with the korean beer though.
This morning I decided to find some galleries that I had seen at various Art fairs in london and Abu Dhabi, 30 minute taxi journey to the district....refreshing to find out that Korea is so mch cheaper than Japan.
What a delight to find  a very long street packed full of galleries....artist studios, great coffee houses too...I guess it's the hoxton equivalent with a dash of Chelsea thown in...A good find!
Not only that but on the other side of this street housed the Royal Palace set in many acres of grounds with lakes and beautiful to see.....and not overun with tourists either...Great decorative pictures for my Korea panel....
As I walked through the park there were many school kids on trips lad came up to me and asked if he could take a picture of pretty good english he said.....'It's for a school project to take a picture of person from  different country' problem I said.....he then shouted with such a high pitch something in which many kids came running towards us ...then more....out of nowhere!....I was the pied piper of Seoul!!
I was suddenly surrounded by a swarm of very noisy loud korean kids all wanting there photo of me...just because I was foreign!...It took a while to exit that park, then went back to the galleries,
some very nice shows, local and international including a big Anthony Caro exhibition.
Managed to find some great fabric too..all very cheap.....bought masses!
A very enjoyable day in Seoul...trains are very cheap too so I'm sitting in first class free wifi on board ...all very civilised....recognise a number of F1 Photographers in carriage....funny breed! acknowlegement from them...

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